10 Best Bodyweight Exercises for a Total Body Workout.


Bodyweight exercises can be just as effective as free weights or machines, and they can even be done in the comfort of your own home. The following 10 bodyweight exercises will challenge all of your major muscle groups, allowing you to get an effective total-body workout in less than 30 minutes (your body will thank you!). If you’re looking to tone up, build strength, increase flexibility or just need a good workout at home after a long day at work, try incorporating these bodyweight exercises into your routine.

1) Pushups:

Start in plank position and lower your body to the ground. Use your hands to push yourself back up. The pushup will engage your shoulders, chest, arms, and abs. Start by practicing with knees on the ground until you get strong enough to do them on the toes (you'll have better balance). And remember, for beginners just starting out or struggling with form there are plenty of modifications that work just as well! You can also try doing them from your knees or from a bench.

Keep practicing - maybe even setting short-term goals like being able to do 10 perfect pushups at home before going outside! And soon you'll be using them more often than any other exercise in your workout routine.

2) Squats:

A simple bodyweight exercise that requires no equipment, squats work your quads, hamstrings, glutes and calves. In order to get the most out of your squat workout it is important to make sure you are keeping your back flat, core engaged and butt down as you push through the heels. You can do this by drawing in your belly button and making sure not to lean forward or push up with your toes. Slow down on the way up so that you don't put too much pressure on your knees when coming back up. If this feels difficult or challenging in any way stop and try again tomorrow - adding weight onto a barbell may help if you're more advanced.

3) Lunges:

The lunge is one of the best exercises to strengthen your lower body. 1) Place your back foot on the ground and step forward with your front foot until it is about two feet in front of you, angling your toes out so that your feet are parallel. 2) Slowly bend both knees until they form a 90-degree angle. 3) Then stand up and repeat! This exercise helps you build powerful quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes while also giving those muscles endurance!

4) Rows:

1. One-Legged Deadlift- Start by standing with your feet shoulder width apart, with one foot resting on top of the other. Pinch your abdominal muscles and tuck your tailbone under as you hinge over at the hips to grab your foot. Hinge back up, trying to make sure you’re extending through the heel of your front foot. Maintain tension in the hamstrings throughout the movement by squeezing the glutes and sticking out your backside to activate them too. Finally, squeeze the glutes and use a pull up bar to bring yourself up as you straighten through the bent leg until it is fully extended, without locking out at any point during that movement either!

5) Planks:

Start by lying face down on the floor with your forearms flat and together, your elbows forming a 90-degree angle. With your feet firmly planted on the ground, push up off the floor as if you're trying to touch your toes to the back of your head. When you reach this point, engage by squeezing your core muscles and glutes while maintaining a straight line from head to heel. Hold this position for 30 seconds or more before releasing to starting position and repeating.

6) Dips:

This exercise not only works your triceps, but also works your chest and core muscles. To do the dips, kneel on two chairs or something with an edge that can hold you. Position your hands on the edge of the chair about shoulder-width apart, then shift all of your weight onto one arm by lowering yourself as far as you can go and pressing down on that hand. Use the other arm to assist in supporting yourself by pressing it against the other chair/edge you are sitting on. This will make dipping easier and work both arms at once. Once you've made it past your knees, slowly lower yourself down until there is no further movement possible and then extend back up until you are almost to where you started at full extension.

7) Triceps Dips:

Triceps dips are one of the most underrated bodyweight exercises and provide such an intense tricep workout! You can do them pretty much anywhere, so they're perfect if you're on vacation or at home and don't have access to weights. Another advantage to this exercise is that it works your chest, shoulders, and back too, giving you a total body workout. To get started, place your hands on either side of you at the edge of a table and raise yourself up so that your elbows are fully extended. Slowly lower yourself down until you feel tension in your triceps before pushing yourself back up. If needed, you can use your feet to help with balance.

8) Burpees:

Burpees are the perfect exercise to take your workout outdoors. All you need is a flat, open space and enough room to jump out of the way of your feet as they hit the ground. As part of this exercise, you’ll start with your feet wide apart in a squat position before explosively jumping up into the air, clapping hands overhead then swiftly landing back in a squat position with arms and legs extended straight out from their body. Once again, hop up as high as possible and land back in the starting position. Keep alternating between these two moves until time is up. If you want an extra challenge, try this exercise with weights!

9) Jumping Jacks:

Jumping jacks are a dynamic whole-body exercise that is both challenging and fun. They provide an excellent cardio workout and also helps improve coordination, agility, strength, and balance. As an added bonus, they're extremely low impact so you can perform them just about anywhere—perfect for if you don't have access to equipment or space in your house. 

Stand with your feet slightly more than shoulder width apart and lift your arms to the sides (as if preparing to do jumping jacks). Jump up so that your feet come off the ground before landing back down with knees bent slightly. Repeat this movement as fast as possible without losing control of yourself or spacing out too much. This means no wandering eyes or disorganized body parts!

10) Crunches:

Crunches are one of the most popular and most recognizable bodyweight exercises in the world. Whether you want to tone your stomach or you're looking to build core strength, crunches offer an excellent way to reach your goals. All it takes is a little dedication, patience, and consistency! Here are some tips to get you started on this satisfying exercise routine:

- Start by lying down on your back with your feet flat on the floor and knees bent at ninety degrees. Resting completely flat on the ground, hold onto both arms or edges of a bench or chair. Press against it so that your elbows point up towards the ceiling and form 90 degree angles with your torso. Keep these same arm positions throughout the entire duration of the exercise.

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