The 10 Best Daisy Keech Abs Workouts to Sculpt Your Core


It’s not easy to achieve a well-defined core, especially if you don’t want to go under the knife and get plastic surgery. Fortunately, Daisy Keech can help you get those washboard abs you’ve always wanted, without getting involved in dangerous surgical procedures or taking unsafe diet pills that promise impossible results and often leave you feeling worse than when you started. In this article, we take a look at the 10 best Daisy Keech abs workouts that are known to produce results in just three weeks flat!

1) High Intensity Interval Training:

This type of workout alternates short bursts of high intensity activity with periods of rest. The speed and the length of the bursts increase as the workout progresses. Here are a few advantages of this type of training: 

- High Intensity Interval Training is great for weight loss because it speeds up your metabolism so you burn more calories throughout the day. 

- HIIT training is more time efficient than other types, as workouts are usually 30 minutes or less and involve weights, cardio machines, or bodyweight exercises.

2) Pilates:

Pilates is a low-impact workout that is both engaging and fun. It also strengthens your core muscles, elongates your muscles and increases flexibility in the spine. You'll feel the full effects after just one class, but it takes time and practice to see those amazing results we all want. So what are you waiting for? We’ve compiled a list of ten abs workouts designed by the world's best Pilates instructors!

3) The Hundred:

Do you have the spare time? It may sound like a silly question but it's the first and most important question to ask yourself when thinking about how much time you're willing to commit. The amount of time you dedicate can impact not only your physical well-being, but also your mental and emotional wellbeing as well. So before committing yourself 100% to anything, be sure that you understand what it entails and whether or not it's right for you. Below are 7 great fitness options all of which will help shape up your abs while providing varying degrees of intensity depending on the demands they make on your body, your work schedule, etc.

4) Squats:

Squats are an excellent way to strengthen your core and make it more resilient against injury. Simply take a big step forward with your right foot, lowering your body until the tops of both feet are flat on the ground and your left knee is close to or touching the ground. Bring yourself back up using only your right leg while using your glutes and hamstrings. Perform two sets of ten for each leg.

5) Roll Out Abs:

1. Leg Lifts With Ball or Dumbbell:

Lie on your back with your feet close together and the ball or dumbbell in your hands. Extend both legs so that you are balancing on your tailbone and palms, lifting your hips off the ground and holding onto the ball or dumbbell for support. Lift one leg off the ground without moving from your position, extend the leg, hold for five seconds and then return it to its original position while alternating with your other leg. Repeat this exercise 30 times per set of five sets total .

6) Push Up Plank Walks:

- To perform this workout, you need two blocks or chairs. Position the blocks so that they are about three feet apart. You can also use a chair for balance by placing one foot on each side of the chair with your body in a straight line between the two chairs or blocks. Place your hands on top of the block/chair and do a push up, making sure that your body is aligned from head to toe and that you maintain perfect form throughout the entire exercise. Do not let your hips sag towards the ground or lift them too high in the air as this will cause back problems down the road when using heavy weights.

7) Leg Lifts While Holding A Ball or Dumbbell:

1. Lie on your back with the left leg bent and right knee up, like a letter L. Keep the ball or dumbbell between your knees. Keep your arms at your sides and tighten your abs. 

2. Slowly lift the right knee up towards the chest without letting it touch down (aka slow-crunch) then lower it back down. Repeat this movement for 30 seconds while tightening those abs, then switch legs and repeat on the opposite side for another 30 seconds before moving on to step 3 of this exercise which is Crunches with a Ball or Dumbbells:

8) Plank Tucks on Ball:

This plank tucks exercise on a ball strengthens your core and builds muscle. Sit on the ground with your knees bent at a 90-degree angle and hold onto the sides of the ball, placing it underneath your shoulders. Place a pillow under your backside for comfort. Raise one leg off the ground, planting your foot on the ball with the other leg flat on the floor and squeeze tight glutes. Hold this position for five seconds before switching legs for five seconds and continue this pattern for two minutes straight or go until you can no longer maintain control over balance.

9) Exercise Ball Jackknives and Rollbacks:

Sit on a stability ball with your back straight, arms at your sides and knees bent at a 90-degree angle. Use the ball to shift backward so that your feet are resting on the ground behind you. Lean forward and raise your arms in front of you until they're parallel with the floor. Lower your body toward the ground until the ball is rolling back beneath you. Allow momentum to lift you up off of the ball so that it's rolling forward under you again and repeat as many times as possible before sitting back down on it.

10) Full Body Weights Crunch:

Crunches are one of the best ab exercises because they help you get rid of belly fat and tighten your abs, which can give you a nice hourglass shape. This workout involves focusing on the obliques—which are the muscles running down each side of your abdomen—by using three sets with reps of five. On each crunch set, squeeze and then release for a total of thirty crunches, taking care not to use momentum that could make your neck or back hurt. The first ten should be done slowly with long pauses in between the crunch and releasing back out, but after the first five reps take it down a notch by speeding up both actions.

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