The 10 Best Daisy Keech Ab Workouts to Tone Your Core


Whether you’re doing crunches or Pilates, core exercises are one of the best ways to get that flat belly you’ve always wanted. The 10 best daisy keech ab workouts that will help you tone your core are...(see end of post for the 10 best daisy keech ab workouts). Don’t forget to comment at the bottom of this page with your opinion on these exercises!

1) Plank:

A plank is a position where you hold your body off the ground on your hands (or forearms) and toes, in a straight line. Keep your back flat and try not to let it arch as much as possible. Planks strengthen your core by increasing muscle tone and strength, particularly in the abdominal area. They can also improve balance, posture, stability and endurance through increased abdominal contractions, while aiding breathing. They can be modified for greater difficulty by adding weight or making the exercises more challenging by using equipment or props like straps, dumbbells or parallettes.

2) Bicycle Kicks:

You'll need a chair or bench for this exercise. Place your hands on the surface in front of you, and bend at the waist so that your torso is almost parallel with the floor. Extend one leg behind you so that it is straight, with your heel on the ground and toes pointing up. Now raise the other leg out to the side as far as you can go without touching the ground with it. Keep your back straight, neck long, and eyes looking down at about a 45-degree angle in front of you. Be sure not to let either shoulder droop, but rather keep them both pressed together tightly throughout this entire exercise.

3) Leg Raises:

One of the best ab workouts for women is doing leg raises. This exercise will tone your abdominal muscles, balance your pelvis and also help you get a better figure. You can do it at home in front of the TV or even at work if you have a little time in between meetings. All you need is a stability ball and some space near an edge that's waist height.

4) Twisting Crunches:

Begin in a seated position, bend your left knee and rest your left foot on the ground. Place both hands on the right side of your chair, extend your back and twist towards the left while touching the floor with your right hand. Twist back up to center and repeat this motion on the opposite side of your body. This is called twisting crunches. The best thing about these crunches is that they provide even resistance on both sides of the body, so they are great for toning abs while you tone up other muscles in your abdomen as well.

5) Long Crunch:

It’s impossible to get a toned, flat stomach without targeting the abdominal muscles with isolation moves. One of the most common isolation exercises is leg lifts. This exercise can be performed lying on your back or while standing up using just one arm for support. Lie down on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor about hip-width apart. Raise your head and shoulders up off the ground so that you can see down past your knees, and tighten the butt muscles (glutes) in this position. Keeping this tension in those glutes, lift one leg up off the ground as high as you can go, focusing on squeezing your abdominals at the top of this movement for maximal engagement of those ab muscles.

6) Leg Lifts:

In a supine position, lie on your back with your arms at your sides and palms facing down. Knees should be bent at a 90-degree angle and feet flat on the floor in front of you. Place your hands under the small of your back for support. Next, use your abdominal muscles to lift up one leg about six inches off the ground. Keep it as straight as possible, before lowering it back down. Now repeat with the other leg - perform 10 repetitions per side.

7) Side Plank V-Up:

Aim for three sets of ten repetitions, with a one-minute break in between. After ten repetitions, take a 30-second break.

1. Get into side plank position on your right arm (flat on the ground) with your left foot anchored down on the ground about a hip-width distance behind you, and your left hand planted firmly on the ground by your hip. Extend your right arm towards the ceiling and stretch your body away from it as much as possible to get some length along the torso while lifting up onto toes so they are all completely off of the ground. Hold this position for five seconds, then release down and switch arms and start over again with that arm leading up towards the ceiling.

8) Supermans:

Lie face down on the floor and raise your arms over your head. Inhale, and then exhale as you lift up onto your arms and feet, raising your torso off the ground. Hold for five seconds at the top of the movement before slowly lowering back down to the ground. Repeat ten times.

9) Forearm Plank:

Forearm plank is a basic ab exercise that requires no equipment. However, if you want an extra challenge, balance your feet on a bench, chair or box for increased intensity. Forearm plank also improves upper body and core strength, making it the perfect addition to any workout routine. It also develops better balance and stability in your arms and shoulders as well as strengthens your core and back muscles.

10) Inverted Leg Raises:

What's the best way to exercise your core muscles? Well, there are plenty of exercises that can help with this. Inverted leg raises, for example, are a solid workout for your abs and core muscles because they require you to balance in a way that activates your upper body muscles. Plus, it's one of the best ways for a beginner to learn how to do an ab plank because it builds on the technique from inverted crunches. To perform an inverted leg raise, start by lying on your back and bending your knees so that only your feet touch the ground. Then lift up one or both legs and extend them over so they're parallel with the ground. Now slowly pull them back down in order be maintaining contact with the ground at all times.

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