Like many other celebrity trainers, Pamela Reif has developed an online following by demonstrating the best way to work out, which includes sculpting one’s abs. It’s not easy to get the results you want, but if you incorporate these 10 abs workouts into your routine three times per week, you’ll soon be sporting a more defined midsection than ever before! Here are some of Pamela Reif’s favorite exercises
1) The Best Exercises:
Planks, crunches, side-bends, leg raises and seated bicycles. Crunches are an important move for building the oblique muscles. Side-bends work the rectus abdominis muscles on one side of your body. Leg raises involve raising one leg from hip height to knee height, then back down again while keeping both feet flat on the ground. The seated bicycle movement is another exercise that works on your obliques as well as your rectus abdominis muscles. Perform it by sitting up straight in a chair and putting one hand on each knee or one hand behind your head and twist to alternate sides in bicycle motions by raising and lowering your legs, keeping your toes touching the ground at all times.
2) The Best Reps and Sets:
The average human is said to have six abs muscles, or rectus abdominis. Six-pack abs can be achieved by eating properly and doing simple crunches. Below are three exercises for an effective workout:
1) Reverse Crunch - Lie on your back and lift your feet up so that your thighs are perpendicular to the floor. Bring your knees in towards your chest as you pull in your stomach.
2) Plank - Begin in pushup position then bend at the elbows so that your weight rests on them instead of on your toes. Raise yourself onto the balls of the feet then slowly bring yourself down into plank position again before repeating the exercise.
3) Leg Raise - Lay flat on back with arms outstretched overhead while keeping toes pointed up and heels pressed against the ground. Slowly raise legs off of ground until they're straight up in the air (this will work out hip flexors). Lower them back down and repeat this motion 15 times every day.
3) How Often to Exercise:
*If you want to get abs like Pamela, give your whole body the workout it deserves. Your midsection is probably already well taken care of if you're following a typical fitness routine, but don't ignore these workouts that emphasize your stomach muscles. The great thing about abdominal work is that it requires only 20-30 minutes three or four times per week.
*It may be tough at first, but it's definitely worth the effort to see results in a few weeks! This list includes six moves and two exercises.
4) Form Matters:
Getting sculpted abs starts with getting strong in the best ab exercises. You'll need to know how to do sit-ups, planks, and other core workouts before you hit your next set of crunches. To get there, it helps to make sure you eat healthy meals and avoid starchy carbs for dessert. With that said, we've compiled ten different workout routines for six muscle groups you can use when trying to get those abs seen on magazine covers! They range from low-intensity beginner exercises to high-intensity advanced moves. Beginners should start small—and work their way up as they build their strength.
5) Safe Ways to Build Core Strength Without Weights:
So now that you know what type of exercises to do and how often, you want to know if there are any safe ways to build core strength without weights. Yoga poses are one such way. Here's how they'll help: * You get an intense ab workout by twisting and lifting your upper body * By adding in side-plank variations, you engage more oblique muscles * Other options include planks and rotations
6) Core Training with Just a Stability Ball:
Don't have time to hit the gym or do some yoga? Give core training a try using just your body weight. A stability ball is perfect for this. Lie on your back, place your lower back against the ball and then extend your legs up towards the ceiling, keeping them parallel to one another and flat on the floor. This will cause you to hollow out your stomach while engaging all of the muscle around it. Hold this position for as long as you can, gradually increasing your time as you get stronger!
7) The Importance of Abdominal Adhesion:
When you work your abdominal muscles, you create intra-abdominal pressure. This pressure lifts your body off the ground and flattens your lower back, providing support to your spine. This pressure also helps squeeze air from the abdomen and prevents gases from accumulating. It is important to note that adhesion exercises work equally well for men and women of all fitness levels.
8) Foods That Will Give You Beautiful Abs:
1. Eat foods rich in omega-3s, like salmon and spinach. Omega-2s are known to reduce inflammation and promote weight loss, while omega-3s contain anti-inflammatory properties.
2. Replace refined carbs with complex carbs such as sweet potatoes or whole grains like brown rice and quinoa.
3. Limit caffeine to 300 milligrams per day - the amount in three cups of coffee (around 100 mg is an adult's maximum). Caffeine actually has been found to accelerate the release of cortisol, which is the stress hormone that prompts your body to store fat around your waistline instead of burning it for energy. In other words, cutting back on caffeine can really help you shed those pounds!
9) Pam's Favorite Ab Exercises:
#3 - Spinal Twist: Lie on your back and lace your fingers behind your head. Bend your knees and place them in the same space as your shoulder blades, bringing them in close to the chest. Rotate at the waist and allow your right elbow to reach towards the left knee while extending your left arm towards the right knee. Breathe in deeply through nose, exhale all air out through mouth. Bring both knees into chest and repeat other side. Repeat up to five times per set
#4 - Stability Ball Jack Knife: Lying on back, bring stability ball close to chest, arms just above it palms facing down.
10) Read About Every Exercise Before Doing It:
-Bench Plank Jacks: Get into pushup position, do two planks and then do two jacks. Do three sets of eight reps for each.
-Cross Knee Oblique Crunch: Starting on your back, cross one leg over the other and lift the knee to crunch towards it. Keep your chin up at all times. Switch legs after 15 reps each side.
-Walk Out Ab Crunch: Face down on an exercise mat, place your arms by your head, palms down (you may also use weights). Walk hands out as far as you can without losing the neutral spine or arching your back.