Top 9 Pilates Workout Exercises to Tone Your Body


Pilates is one of the most popular workout styles, and for good reason! It’s easy to do, requires no equipment and can be modified to challenge any fitness level. But with so many different exercises and variations out there, it can be hard to know where to start when you want to get started on your own Pilates program at home. This list of the 10 best pilates workout exercises will help you get started on the right track with this fun and effective form of exercise!

1) Chair pushups:

Chair pushups are a great way to work your chest and triceps muscles without the use of weights. To start, position yourself on a mat in front of a chair with your hands gripping the seat. Then, bring your feet back so they're just outside of your arms and place them about hip-width apart. Bring yourself up as you bend at the elbows. Straighten up, then repeat for 12 repetitions.

2) Elbow plank:

An elbow plank is a core exercise that engages your abdominals. You can do it on the floor or on a chair or even against a wall. Place one arm straight out in front of you, and rest your weight on the other arm and forearm with your palm flat against the surface. Press up so that you are forming an L-shape with your body, using both arms for balance. If you're doing this at home on the floor, your toes should be off the ground and supporting some of your weight as well. Do five repetitions per side, then switch sides.

3) Side planks:

Side planks are one of the best ways to work your core. Start by lying on your side, with your arm on the ground behind you and both feet on the ground in front of you. Lift your body off the ground as far as you can (keeping hips level), trying not to let any part of your body touch the ground. Slowly return back down without letting your feet touch or legs come up from underneath you. Repeat 15 times per side and make sure each set is done at a slow and controlled pace.

4) Mountain climbers:

Perform the exercise by lying flat on your back with your hands resting in front of you. Bend both knees, drawing them up and as close to your chest as possible. Lift your hips off the ground and hold a straight position while drawing inwards with your abdominal muscles. Extend one leg off the ground at a time while keeping toes pointed upwards, then alternate. It is important that each repetition consists of two alternating movements: The draw-inwards of abdominals and an extension movement (either one leg or both). Hold for 3 seconds before going on to the next rep. Repeat 5 times per set and don't forget to take a break between sets!

5) Squat jump-throughs:

-Stand with your feet together and arms up overhead. Lower into a squat and place your hands on the floor in front of you. As you push off the ground, explode through your legs and jump up, extending both legs out straight while simultaneously bringing your arms overhead. Land on the balls of your feet, then bring them back together as you squat down again.

6) Jump squats:

These are also known as jumping squats, and are an intense yet rewarding workout for the whole body. This exercise will strengthen your legs, trim down your thighs, tone your booty, and strengthen your glutes. Simply stand with feet shoulder-width apart, bring arms out in front of you at chest level, then bend into a squat position until the tops of the thighs are parallel to the floor. Get back up onto your toes and thrust hips forward to achieve that leg-extension pose where you’re on one foot. Jump off your toes back into a squat while bringing arms forward again at chest level. Remember this motion to do it again! Repeat five times before switching feet so that one leg is always extended and repeating on the other side.

7) Front plank with leg lift and rotation:

The front plank with leg lift and rotation is a fun move for your core and abdominal muscles. Start in a front plank position with your hands under your shoulders, elbows directly beneath your shoulders, knees bent, hips on the ground, weight distributed evenly on both feet. Lift one leg up off the ground without arching or overarching your lower back. Keep one leg stationary and rotate the other hip in towards the grounded foot until you feel a stretch in that side of your lower abdominals. Then return that foot to the starting position and repeat on the opposite side. If this is too challenging for you at first then keep both legs lifted at all times or try just lifting one knee up off the ground as you rotate around it.

8) Oblique abdominal rolls:

The Oblique Abdominal Roll is a pilates exercise that primarily targets the abdominal region. Here, start with laying on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Take one arm and cross it over your waist while keeping the other arm extended off to the side. Inhale and engage your abdominals while lifting your chest off of the ground slightly.

10) Reverse crunches:

The reverse crunch is one of the most effective exercises for strengthening your abdominal muscles. It strengthens the rectus abdominis and transverse abdominis contracting your core to stabilize and create a strong foundation for other exercises. To perform this exercise, lie on your back with your knees bent and arms resting at your sides. Contract abs and lift buttocks off the floor. From this starting position, bring left knee towards chest while extending right leg in front of you. Return back to starting position (reverse crunch). Bring right knee towards chest while extending left leg in front of you. Alternate lifting alternate legs from start position without pausing so that both contractions are done without break or rest between them (1 set = 2 reps).

9) Lateral lunges:

Lateral lunges will help you get that slim and toned look you have been craving. Lateral lunges are a great addition to any exercise routine. They are a fantastic way of working your butt, thighs, hips, and core muscles. Stand with feet hip-width apart then step out with one leg and bend that knee until your toes touch the ground. Pause for 2 seconds before stepping back and repeat on the other side.

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