The 10 Best Exercises for an Amazing Booty


The glutes, also known as the gluteus maximus are the muscles that gives your butt its shape and size, and can be targeted through several exercise routines that you can do both at home or in the gym. For best results, focus on compound exercises (such as squats) that recruit other muscle groups into assisting with the exercise and are therefore more effective. Here are 10 of the best booty exercises to tone up your butt!

Exercise 1 - Bodyweight Squats:

Do bodyweight squats to work your glutes, thighs, and core. To do this exercise: Lean your torso forward slightly and place a barbell in front of you on the floor with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place a hand on the bar with one hand gripping the other wrist (this will keep the pressure off of your spine). Push through your heels and stand up tall at the top of the movement. Keep good posture (shoulders back, chest out) as you lower yourself down as far as is comfortable - usually just below parallel to ground. Stand back up at top of movement by squeezing your booty muscles tight to activate them throughout entire exercise!

Exercise 2 - Bodyweight Lunges:

Bodyweight lunges are one of the most basic butt exercises, and can be done in about 30 seconds. They don't require any equipment, and all you need is some room. Since they're a basic exercise, you'll have to make them challenging to see results. The two things you want to remember when doing these are to keep your torso upright and your knees in line with your toes. Otherwise, the work will be shifted too much onto the front of your legs instead of making it to the back of your thighs where we want it!

Exercise 3 - Bulgarian Split Squat:

Stand in front of a bench, chair, or other surface where you can put your hands. Your left foot should be on the ground and in-line with your right heel. Place the right foot behind you with toes pointing outwards. Lower yourself towards the ground as far as possible while still maintaining a straight back, then return to start position by pushing through your left heel and driving off your right foot. Repeat this process until failure. The Bulgarian Split Squat is especially helpful for beginners because it's less demanding than other similar exercises such as the Lunge or Front Lunge. You may also make it more difficult by placing weights around the shoulder area during repetitions.

Exercise 4 - Single Leg Glute Bridge:

Lay on your back with your feet planted firmly on the ground and knees bent at a 90 degree angle. Place one of your hands behind your head for support, then squeeze your glutes as you lift one leg off the ground, extend it straight out in front of you, and raise it until it's at a right angle with the rest of your body. Slowly lower that foot back down to the floor and then switch legs. Perform sets of 15 reps before resting.

Now sit up (against a bench if possible) while keeping both feet planted firmly on the ground and knees bent at a 90 degree height.

Exercise 5 - Deadlifts:

Lie on your back with a flat bench beneath you. Keeping your feet firmly planted on the ground, bend your knees and bring them towards your chest so that you are in a position where you are hinging at the hips and your lower back is supported by the bench. This should create a ninety degree angle between the thigh and torso. Next, straighten your arms so that they are out to either side of you, palms facing downward. Begin lifting one leg off of the bench while engaging the core muscles by squeezing in through your buttocks (this will cause tension through the hamstrings). You may want to hold onto something sturdy if this is too difficult.

Exercise 6 - Glute Ham Raises:

Incorporating the glute ham raise into your workout routine is an excellent way to get a full-body workout that will target your hamstrings, glutes, core and upper body. Because the exercise requires you to lift heavy weight with your legs, it's important to use correct form by not bending your arms and keeping them as straight as possible. Always maintain a neutral spine and try not to let your knees pass in front of your toes. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart with a 30% foot angle. Sit back on the apparatus so that only your shoulders are over the edge. Keep this position throughout the entire set while raising yourself off of the ground until you've achieved full extension.

Exercise 7 - Kettlebell Swings:

Keep your back flat and hinge at the hips to squat, then drive through your heels to rise up into a standing position as you swing the kettlebell between your legs. Make sure to keep your head in line with your spine so you don't hyperextend your neck. Swing the kettlebell as high as possible without straining yourself before dropping it down by hinging at the hips and squatting again. The kettlebell swing is a powerful move that engages multiple muscle groups.

Exercise 8 - Seated Hip Thrusts:

This exercise really targets the glutes, so it's no surprise that this is one of the best booty exercises. Get into a chair with your feet on the floor, back straight and shoulders relaxed. From here, grab onto something with your hands to support yourself if you need it (if not, keep them out to your sides). While sitting up tall in your chair, shift forward so that you're as close to upright as possible and then tuck your butt under to thrust or pump it up high. Hold this position and then squeeze your glutes together for 1-2 seconds before returning to starting position. Repeat at least 15 times!

Exercise 9 - 45 Degree Hip Raises:

When we think of a glute exercise, the first thing that often comes to mind is squats. Glute muscles can be trained with other exercises that don't require bending over as well! 45 degree hip raises are one such exercise and is easy to perform on the ground, in a standing position, or seated with your back against a wall. The only requirement for this movement is your ability to lock out your knees at 90 degrees - if you can't do this without pain, check with your doctor before proceeding.

Exercise 10 – Inner Thigh Lift:

Doing inner thigh lifts will help strengthen your booty. Take a seat on the floor and stretch out one leg, keeping it at a right angle. Lift your opposite leg up, balancing on the knee and heel of the other foot, then slowly lower the raised leg back down. Repeat this movement ten times with each leg and then move onto exercise 11!

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