Get Summer-Ready Abs with These 10 Chloe Ting Workouts


When the weather heats up, it’s time to show off those six-pack abs! Professional fitness trainer Chloe Ting has 10 killer workout videos that will get you beach-ready in no time. Whether you want to work on your core, arms, or lower body, she has an exercise plan for you. Don’t delay—get the body you want now!

Superhero Abs:

Getting summer-ready abs takes a lot of dedication, but it's not impossible. Especially if you are willing to do things that will get you there! Here are some great ab workouts from celebrity trainer, Chloe Ting, that I've pulled together for you. #1 is my personal favorite. The best part about these moves is that they're all from home. You don't need any equipment to do them - only a mat or a towel! If you want to find out more about the specific workout moves, click on the link in the title. They're listed below: 

-Stomach Vacuum 1 

-Stomach Vacuum 2

Fit in your swimsuit:

Today, it's not just about sculpting your abs. It's also about getting a healthy glow to them, in order to look your best on the beach. We've got you covered for both!

1) Get a full body workout in by doing exercises like burpees, squats and sprints - these will work all of your muscles in the most efficient way possible! Be sure to aim for three sets of 20 reps each. Try doing an intense cardio session in between sets to keep things going strong. 

2) Perform moves that isolate specific areas you want targeted: crunch variations that target upper abs and obliques (regular and suspended), planks, side planks and hip thrusts - all have been shown to contribute nicely to abdominal development.

Booty Benefits:

By incorporating these workouts into your routine, you'll be armed with the tools to achieve a summer bod that's both sexy and strong. You don't have to be an athlete or even a workout junkie to enjoy the benefits of abs training; in fact, by adding these workouts into your day, you may notice major changes to your waistline and the way that clothes fit. As the temperature continues to rise and summer approaches (even here in New York!), it's essential that we continue our fight against muffin tops, side pooches, back fat—and those dreaded love handles. 

It all comes down to finding smart moves that work for our body type.

Healthy Hydration:

What many people don't realize is that there are two types of dehydration: orthostatic and volume. Orthostatic dehydration, which is more common, occurs when you're at rest, standing up, or immobile for a long period of time. When you stand up from sitting or laying down and gravity pulls on your water content in your body, less fluid can flow to the brain and more places like the hands and feet. This will then lead to signs of volume (fluid) depletion such as lightheadedness or headaches. However, if you hydrate regularly by drinking fluids like water when these symptoms start to show up they'll go away within minutes and won't last long.

Lean Legs & Butt:

You'll want to complete two to three sets of each move, 10 to 15 reps per set. The moves that target your butt are also going to focus on building your hamstring and glute muscles as well. She starts off the routine by bending over from a standing position, placing one hand behind her on the floor, and pushing her hips back as she lifts her arm straight up in the air so it forms a 90 degree angle. Bring the arm down again and repeat for another count of 10 reps. She then does a twist with bent knees which will work your obliques (aka sides). You'll also see various squats that target both your glutes and hamstrings.

Cardio Core:

Most people think of abdominal exercises as crunches or sit-ups, but the truth is that there are plenty of other core exercises. Sit up like a butterfly and touch your toes, then twist to one side to increase the abs workout. Adding an incline will also help stretch the abs and lower back muscles at the same time. Lie down flat on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Place your hands behind your head for support. Inhale and raise your head, neck, shoulders off the ground as you exhale. Pause before you inhale again and repeat. Do this exercise 8 times in sets of 8 repetitions. Side Plank: Start by lying on your right side with your legs straight and stacking them over each other so that you're resting on your hip and forearm (on the bottom). Slowly lift yourself up onto your left elbow so that it's supporting all of your weight, keeping it close to the body. Press into the ground through both forearms and bring the left leg under and around until it's resting next to its opposite twin.

Classic Plank Twist:

If you are looking for a new way to incorporate some chloe ting abs exercises into your workouts, try this basic plank twist variation. You'll need a mat or towel for this move, but it's an excellent choice for beginners because it's relatively low impact and allows you to get into position quickly.

Start in plank position on the mat, with your hands directly under your shoulders and fingers pointed straight ahead. Your feet should be at least hip width apart from each other and lined up so that toes point forward too. Press down through your palms and elbows to lift your body off of the ground until you are fully supported by just your forearms and toes. 

Pull one knee towards your chest as you rotate from side to side. Keep both hips high as you continue rotating, alternating sides as needed. Try not to drop either hip lower than the opposite knee.

The Step Up:

Work up a sweat with this dynamic step workout, which will tone and strengthen your lower body in just 20 minutes. With no gym equipment necessary, the only thing you'll need is a box or chair for the first two moves. Here's how to do it: 1) Put your right foot on top of your left and then move both legs so that they are directly in front of you 2) Lean forward from the hips until your hands are flat on the ground 3) Walk backwards on your toes while keeping your knees straight 4) Once you have reached a comfortable distance, step back and repeat (starting with right foot leading)

Exercise Ball Crunch:

Lie on your back and place your heels close to the top of a stability ball. Cross your arms over your chest and slowly lift your torso off the floor by pressing into the ball. Keeping your head aligned, slowly curl up, reaching as high as you can, while extending both arms straight out in front of you. Slowly lower yourself back down to start, returning to a neutral spine position. When you are at the bottom of the crunch, perform two more crunches. Continue for 20 minutes (three sets) with 30 seconds of rest between each set. The second and third rounds should be completed at an intensity level of four or five on a scale from one to ten.

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